Sep 1, 2008

Personal Dental Care: Keeping Your Teeth Extremely Healthy

Having a very busy lifestyle is definitely not anexcuse to neglect your personal dental care. You don’treally want to have plaque and other bacteria stayinginside your mouth, right?
It takes just a few minutes a day for you to combatand prevent the spread of bacteria, plaque andcavities in your mouth. Simple tooth brushing andmouth care procedures can take your teeth a long way.
Simple Brushing Tips Brushing just the front of yourteeth won’t do your teeth a lot of good. When youbrush your teeth, don’t just focus on your front teethjust because you think that they are the ones moreexposed to world. You also have to brush your teethalong the sides and those located at the back of yourmouth.
When you brush your teeth, don’t be too harsh on yourgums. Make sure that your brush strokes should be awayfrom your gums, not towards. When you brush yourteeth, try not to rush. The suggested time spent forbrushing one’s teeth is at least three minutes.

If you don’t really want to exceed three minutes, youcan use a timer or play a song that lasts for threeminutes. Choosing the right toothbrush would also makeyour brushing time more enjoyable.
If you are not comfortable with your toothbrushanymore, there’s no reason for you not to ditch it andbuy a new one. If you have sensitive teeth and gums, atoothbrush with soft bristles would be perfect foryou. However, if you have pretty strong teeth, you canuse medium or hard bristles for you to clean yourteeth better.
It is also advised that you change your toothbrushevery three months. If it’s hard for you to keep trackof the days and months, you can opt to buy atoothbrush that comes with a color indicator thatwould tell you that it’s time to change yourtoothbrush.
Learn To Floss Your Teeth As most dental carecommercials would say, brushing alone is not enough toensure that your mouth and teeth is 100% clean.

True enough, you can’t really guarantee that you willend up having extremely clean teeth by just brushingalone. If you want to take the cleanliness andfreshness of your teeth and mouth to the net level,then you might want to learn how to floss your teeth.
People who floss for the first time may find it a bitweird and difficult to do. However, with enoughpractice, flossing can become an easy job. Dentalfloss helps a lot in getting rid of food remnantsstuck in your teeth where toothbrushes can’t reach.

Visit Your Dentist Now that you already know the basicsteps in maintaining a healthy set of teeth, itdoesn’t mean that you can already skip visits to yourdentist.
It is still very important to visit your dentist atleast twice a year because there are really someprocedures (such as oral prophylaxis) that onlydentists can do.
Having your teeth cleaned professionally by a dentistis really a different and better experience thansimple brushing and flossing. Enhance your personaldental care by integrating regular brushing andflossing and visiting the dentist at least twice ayear.

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